Apple and Samsung fined in Italy for planned obsolescence


In Italy, they will have to pay a fine to both companies for lowering the performance of their smartphones

We all felt that over time, the performance of the equipment was slowly decreasing … this may be due to several factors, but in Italy, the Talian Competition and Market Authority (AGCM) found that Apple and Samsung had done so on purpose in their updates, for which a fine had been inflicted on them.

The charge in issue was a "scheduled obsolescence". It was carried out in January and at the close of the investigation they were found guilty of having planned a shorter life of the equipment by means of updates.

The fine amounts to 5 million euros for each company. The conclusion reached is that the release of some firmware updates for mobile phones has caused serious operational problems and has significantly reduced equipment performance, has accelerated the replacement process, one of the aggravating factors is that both companies have been encouraged to update the software to users without giving the opportunity to return to the previous version

. The AGMC sentenced Apple to an additional fine of 5 million euros for failing to provide clear instructions on battery replacement and the procedure to follow. Do not forget that it had already been discovered that when changing the battery, the equipment is like new in the case of models such as iPhone 6 and 6s. As if that were not enough, both companies should post the links on their pages of this agency on their Italian page giving the results of this study.

Before all this "scandal", Huawei would not let the occasion make fun of him. its main rivals and launched on Twitter a publication that says the family Mate 20 will never be slow, neither at the beginning nor the end of the life of these models … at least in Europe.

With agcm information

We would never slow down our phones to force an upgrade. We are proud that our new # HuaweiMate20Pro is #BornFastStaysFast – like any other phone in our range. #NeverSlowDown Learn more>

– Huawei Mobile – United Kingdom (@HuaweiMobileUK) ] October 25, 2018

This was done in the account of the United Kingdom, where he declared "born fast, always fast". We will never encourage our equipment for software updates. We are proud that our # HuaweiMate20Pro #nacio fast remains fast, just like other phones in this range.

Remember that this model incorporates, among other functions, a technology that prevents precisely the team from losing performance, ] In theory, it is therefore a better option quality- price as fines.

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