Apple Music has just defeated Spotify in the United States


They say that Apple, no matter if something is better or worse, ends up almost always winning, and now Apple Music has taken a hard blow to the table.

In one of the world's largest markets, the United States, just forwarded to Spotify in number of paid users.

This is reported by DMN, where they detail that one of the largest music distributors has provided this data.

We do not know exactly the number of users, because it is strictly confidential, but both would be above 20 million subscribers.

Now, this is not a total surprise because since the beginning of the year, Apple Music numbers have risen while those of Spotify have stagnated.

do not confuse, it's about users who pay monthly fees, because if it's a user base, Spotify has more than Apple Music, basically because his free service with advertising is quite consistent and sufficient for rios.

Another factor to consider is that in the US the iPhone sends and comes with a default with Apple Music pre-installed in the music app, which with the three months Free ones that they give to new users, are attracting a lot of people who then see a lot of value in not losing the library that they have put together.

Which do you like most: Apple Music or Spotify?

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