Apple would kill the iPhone X and iPhone SE for its new models


Apple what you want is money.

Apple is just a few months from finally officially announcing its new terminals that mark the relay of iPhone X.

However; it seems speculation on these smartphones would be so high that the Cupertino boys should kill some productions to cope.

According to a report by BlueFin Research (via Barron & # 39; s ); Apple would be about to discontinue the iPhone X and the iPhone SE; focus its resources (and buyers' demand) on its new terminals. Scheduled to be announced tentatively in September 2018.

  Apple would kill the iPhone X and iPhone SE for its new models

The partially disclosed report says that there would be two factors in particular ; behind the decision to stop the production of these models:

  • Lack of consumer demand for the iPhone X (the most expensive model) and the iPhone SE (the cheapest).
  • Lack of feeling for some of the consumers that there is a substantial advance or improvement; At least to make the investment.

In this scenario, Apple would be forced to introduce a new generation of brutal and powerful smartphones. At least what is needed so that his faithful followers are ready to open the wallet.

In any situation, it seems that the price will be one of the most determining factors.

Rumors point between the US $ 600 and the USD $ 1,000 .

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