Approve the draft atmospheric decontamination scheme for Concón, Quintero and Puchuncaví | National


In the official gazette, the approval of the draft plan of prevention and atmospheric decontamination for the municipalities of Concón, Quintero and Puchuncaví was announced.

Document to avoid exceeding the primary environmental quality standard for fine and coarse particles in annual and daily concentrations, in order to recover an area occupied for 50 years critical episodes of contamination .

It is expected over a period of 5 years to regulate particulate emissions and thus raise the ranking of the saturated zone, an evaluation period of 12 years and an investment close to 60 million

controversial for the deputy Diego Ibáñez, who is also chairman of the commission of investigation on the episodes of contamination.

Ibáñez believes that the controller's office should review the measures, because these do not correspond to the previous plan and that the question of the installation of new companies in the so-called slaughter area n & rsquo; Has not been resolved yet.

https: // media.

Criticas also from the oficialismo. Senator Francisco Chahúan remarked that the project was a contribution, but that it was not enough to solve the problems of the region. -project-decontamination-chahuan.mp3

While Senator Ricardo Lagos Weber expressed his doubts before the end of five years to raise the qualification level of the saturated zone, mainly because it is not defined what will be done with polluting enterprises, added corresponding to the conditions of the international standard .

According to the approved bill, companies that provide the largest amount Particles and precursor gases are the Codelco Ventanas smelter, the AES Gener thermoelectric complex and the ENAP Aconcagua refinery, which together account for 75% of emisiones, 99% of sulfur dioxide emissions and 81% of sulfur dioxide emissions. nitrogen oxides.

The Comptroller now has until December 31 to know the reason for this preliminary plan of prevention and decontamination. In addition, starting Monday, November 5, the public consultation process will begin until December 14.

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