Arcor will manufacture the traditional "Bon o Bon" in Angola


It is Arcor's first factory outside of Argentina and Latin America, where it already controls 47 productive establishments. The objective of the plan in Angola is to reduce costs and increase sales of products such as Good or Good already sold in Angola and Africa.

Arco r, the largest candy producer of Argentina and one of the largest internationally, is negotiating the installation of a factory in Angola . With this objective, the multinational Cordovan intends to badociate with the Grupo Webcor to disembark in this African nation by opening a productive facility to begin the production of candy and biscuits . the holding owned by the Cordovan family Pagani to the National Securities Commission (CNV), the total investment that will take the new plant will be 45 million dollars [19459008whichArcorwillcontributehalfie 22.5 million dollars .

The operation is subject to the approval of the government of Angola, which could take place before the end of the year. If it is specified, it will be the first plant that Arcor opens outside of Latin America where it is already present with 47 plants including 35 in Argentina, and the rest is divided between Brazil, Chile, Peru and Mexico.

In one of its shareholder meetings, the plan of the business that the group wants to achieve in Angola is detailed. According to the press release of this meeting sent to CNV, the idea is to close a joint venture with the Webcor group "for the joint development of joint ventures in Angola."

Currently, the company already has been exporting a large number of its products to this African nation since at least 20 years . In fact, the Good or the Good is as well known as in Argentina and will be one of the star products of the new factory. His partner in the distribution is precisely the Group Webcor regarded as one of the largest logistics companies of this country.

The objective of the partnership between the two companies seeks to obtain competitive advantages over cost variables and distribution, increase sales volumes current to return to values ​​considered historical

To channel investments, Arcor and Webcor signed an agreement which creates a holding company in Dubai whose two groups will each control 50% of the capital. capital city. This holding will be the controlling company of the company to be formed in Angola from the construction of the new factory where will be made the lollipops and biscuits Good or Good which will also be sold in d & # 39; other African countries under the name of Congo, Zambia, Namibia and Botswana .

Whatever the case may be, the project is conditioned with the approval of the Angolan Government's factory and authorizes repatriation of funds and that certain tax exemptions are obtained .

The agreement also establishes aspects of business as the conformation of the yearbook, form in which certain decisions will be made, restrictions for badignment and sale of & # 39; 39, actions and that the general and industrial directors are appointed by Arcor and el Financiero by Webcor. In addition, the subsidiary Arcor AG headquartered in Switzerland, will control 50% of the new holding company based in Dubai.

In this way, the Cordovan holding company in one of the main African markets which has 19 million inhabitants, a GDP of million dollars and a growth economic growth of almost 8% per year. In addition, it is part of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (19459006) and is the second largest exporter of hydrocarbons in Africa.

Desirable numbers, given the current situation of Argentina where the economy is about to enter recession for at least the next six months . And where the products manufactured by Arcor are also affected by this negative scenario and the sharp decline in consumption, mainly in the food and beverage sector that has already dragged on for two and a half years uninterrupted.

Angola would be, in this scenario, the first major investment of Arcor made in Argentina this year . This is the same market as, in 2012, the previous government of Cristina Kirchner with a delegation of business leaders headed Guillermo Moreno .

The former controversial secretary of Commerce arrived in this country with a delegation of 250 businessmen among whom were representatives of La ​​Salada and Mercado Central as well as executives of the oil sector, soy producers and refrigerators
However, this trip ended in failure and even led to the opening of several court cases to investigate alleged corruption involving some of the former K officials and several of the businessmen who were in Angola.

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