Arica a day – The first cases of influenza A confirmed in Arica


Confirm the first cases of influenza type A in Arica

June 28, 2018 // National, Society

The first two cases of influenza A in the region of Arica and Parinacota have been reported, constituting a family-type outbreak, corresponding to a child under four years old with a history of chronic pathology and a 33-year-old adult (mother of a minor), both from the Azapa Valley and no vaccination history in 2018.


On the other hand, in the city next to Tacna, there is currently an outbreak of 11 cases confirmed influenza A H1H1; and of that total, two people died from complications of this respiratory virus. They had no history of vaccination against influenza

The Arica family home has nothing to do with triggering 11 cases of Tacna, since the mother and the girl had never traveled to the nearby city.

] Mirtha Arancibia, mayor of Arica and Parinacota, explained that "this is an isolated epidemic and that all the necessary measures are currently being implemented in accordance with the sanitary protocol, while intensifying the work of dissemination and prevention in the population "

Seremi Health, Claudia Torrealba said that as antecedent of previous years, we expected the onset of flu-like diseases in these months that lower temperatures, so she called on the community to remain calm and not be alarmed Faced with the appearance of new cases in the region. "

He also added that" in the context of the winter campaign, all measures of self-care are strengthened in order to and prevent the onset of respiratory diseases. "

Among them, not being in contact with sick people, avoid confined spaces and agglomerations (especially children and older adults); If you have symptoms and you belong to a group at risk, go to a health facility, wash hands frequently, terminals, schools, rooms and offices every day, and be vaccinated if it belongs to the major risk groups; which corresponds to persons under six and over 65.

Regarding the current clinical situation of the affected persons, the director (s) of the Arica Health Service, Juan Urrutia, stated that "both are stable and under observation, with the corresponding antiviral treatment. The minor is hospitalized in the pediatric unit of Dr. Juan Noé Regional Hospital and the mother stays with outpatient treatment "

The laboratory test to elucidate the subtyping of influenza A is in course, with the aim of checking if it corresponds to A H1N1 or other subtyping. The result will be ready in the coming days


The Regional Ministerial Secretariat reinforces the following measures in health centers:

  • Intensification of sentinel surveillance for influenza-like illnesses and viral detection
  • Enhance community and risk group dissemination of preventive measures against influenza and other respiratory viruses for the recognition of signs and symptoms of severity.
  • Strengthen the indication of vaccination, in non-vaccinated campaign, and who belong to the target groups of less than 6 months to 5 years, 11 months and 29 days; pregnant from 13 weeks of gestation; people with chronic diseases;
  • Wash Your Hands Frequently
  • If you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth with your forearm.
  • and throw them away immediately.
  • Ventilating Environments
  • When in doubt, call Fono Salud Respond 600 360 7777 health professionals, they answer their questions, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.


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