Arica al día – Authorities provide recommendations to prevent AH1N1 flu


Authorities Provide Recommendations to Prevent AH1N1 Flu

June 27, 2018 // National, Society

Given the epidemiological situation that crosses Peru and Tacna in particular, Mayor Mirtha Arancibia and Seremi of Health of Arica and Parinacota, Claudia Torrealba, reported that there is a viral circulation in the neighboring city

However, to date in our region there has been no case of influenza AH1N1, although the recommendation is not to be exposed to the disease. When traveling to influenza virus circulation sites (any national or international destination), the following recommendations should be considered in the context of the Winter Campaign:

  1. Flu vaccination at people belonging to risk groups who have not been vaccinated as part of the 2018 vaccination campaign, this should be done 2 to 3 weeks before the trip, in a health center
  2. Avoid contact with sick people (respiratory symptoms). closed and agglomerations (especially young children and older adults)
  3. Go to a health center if you have symptoms of respiratory diseases (especially at-risk groups).
  4. General measures: frequent hand washing, use of disposable tissues and continuous ventilation of enclosed spaces.
  5. For people who are not in the risk groups, vaccines are available in national pharmacies. al and local (badociated costs).

The authorities informed that in the context of the influenza vaccination campaign, from May 14 to 31, in Arica, more than 70 000 doses were administered to the population, mainly at risk (65 000 ); children under six, adults over 65, chronically ill and pregnant from 13 weeks of pregnancy.

A month ago, the Salud Seminary of Arica and Parinacota with the Chilean Consulate in Tacna for Chilean residents deprived of their liberty, exceeding one hundred people.

It should be noted that there are still doses in the offices for adults under six years (second dose), so the call must be vaccinated in the health centers of the family (Cesfam). In this context, the authorities have warned that vaccinated persons and those who are not part of the risk groups may become ill, but should not have complications or mortality.

At the national and regional levels, surveillance of influenza and other respiratory viruses remains highly active through sentinel surveillance for influenza-like illnesses and laboratory surveillance.

During this week, measures issued to travelers will be strengthened, to prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases, as part of the winter campaign, carrying out dissemination activities in the international and national bus terminal, the Chacalluta border complex, the city center and social networks.


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