Arica al día – The City-Port Coordination Council has analyzed the new challenges of the sector


The City-Port Coordination Council badyzed the new challenges of the sector

November 16, 2018 // National, Société

In order to publicize the actions undertaken in 2018 and the new challenges of next year to promote and strengthen the balanced development between the city and the port, the last session of the year of the City Council – Port, this example of regional work operating in the port of Arica since 2014, has for main objective to seek a harmonious development between the ports and the city, paying particular attention to the urban environment, the roads

The meeting of work started with the words of Mario Moya Montenegro, director of development and commercial activities of Empresa Portuaria Arica, who, while thanking the badistance provided, said that throughout the year, the Council will discuss main issues that emerged from those who participated in this working table.

During the meeting, he was also introduced to the new Director of the Conc Notes and Answers on the issue Arica Portico, Andrés Gómez, great arican professional having worked for various companies in the sector of ports and shipping.

The operational aspects of the port terminal have been taken into account. Mechanisms for the control of Bolivian trucks by carabineers and difficulties were posed for next year.

In this sense, Andrés Gómez said that "for us, as a port company, it is an excellent opportunity to badyze the importance entrusted to the municipal council – the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, where it It is stipulated that the public ports will act as coordinators / articulators and will be chaired by Intendance, an initiative that we find very important, as they strengthen and strengthen our council, "he said.

He emphasized the fact that this body would allow the planning of growth platforms of the port areas in phase with the tourist and communal development, in addition to ensuring the union between the port terminals and the ports. the development of the cities in which they are located.

Among the actions planned for next year we can mention the development of a seminar with topics to be defined by members of the City-Port Council and other regional connection issues.

Seremi de Economía, Cristian Sayes (representing the Mayor) participated in the meeting; Seremi de Transportes, Alfredo Araya, Seremi of Medio Ambiente, Marcelo Cañipa; the director of Sernatur, Lelia Mazzini Galdames and representatives of the maritime governance and the municipality of Arica

are also constituted the city council-port, the Minvu, the public works and the municipalities of the general Lagos and de Putre


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