Arica al día – The civic social functioning of the regional government benefited the Chaca sector


Operational Social Civic Regional Government Benefited to Chaca District

July 9, 2018 // National, Society

Neighbors of the Chaca Valley have benefited from a social civic operation, conducted by the regional government, a task led by the intendant María Loreto Letelier, with seremis, service directors and the president neighbors' council. ° 64 from the locality, Amadiel Codoceo

The activity brought together people from the rural sector, who gathered at the school of the city of Chaca, where they were able to access various services, including including dental, ophthalmic, veterinary, legal advice, identity card and orientation related to land regularization, among other issues of interest to the residents of the city.

The maximum regional authority described as very useful the visit of the Chaca Valley, after several weeks of joint work with the district council chairman of the sector.

"It has been a very rewarding day, we have seen several situations, especially health, education and connectivity issues, we are very happy and we hope to continue to support them with the seremis who are here in the field.It is what President Piñera asked us to accompany people, to be with them, to listen to them, to see their needs and to try to solve them. "

Regarding the cold snacks of school students, the mayor informed that the health service has authorized for a period the hot snacks while the municipality of & 9 39 39 39 tandis tandis tandis tandis tandis tandis tandis Arica does a planimetry job, which should be resolved in the short term.

Amadiel Codoceo, meanwhile, thanked the presence of the authorities, who responded to the demands of neighbors who, given the distance, do not go to the city.

"It is good that the authorities are here, it is the third time the mayor visits us.Thank you because we have solved the problem of energy with LED lights, at the Seremi de Educación , with whom we could discuss the theme of the children's garden since mothers work daily in plots with children, as well as the support of the health authority to solve the problem of food school, "said the leader.

The day was convened by the regional government as part of its program of support for civico-social operations, for the benefit of the community, this time for the rural sector.


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