Arica by day – Pymes Motor of Chile: Beginning of the Entrepreneur's Day


Chilean SME Engine: Beginning of the Entrepreneurs Party

November 13, 2018 // National, Société

  • "The Engine Pymes of Chile" is the premise of this year. In Arica and Parinacota are planned 10 activities organized in order to position the role of SMEs in the economic and social development of the country.

On Monday, November 12, a new version of Small Business Week was launched in Arica and Parinacota. This case, which takes place throughout Chile on the same date, was created by President Sebastián Piñera in 2012. The goal is to place SMEs and entrepreneurs in the region at the center of attention , highlighting the importance that they have in development and economic growth.

Under the slogan #PymesMotorDeChile, the mayor María Loreto Letelier and the Economy, Seremi Cristián Sayes, as well as the service directors of the Ministry of Economy and various stakeholders, give life to this week that promises to be a meeting place for all those who have dared to undertake.

"President Sebastián Piñera, at every moment of his participation in SMEs, has strengthened the government's guidelines for collaboration with SMEs, so with the regional authorities, we are starting the" SME Week "in our region , said Mayor María Loreto Letelier

adding that the government is striving to recover and encourage investment, quality of jobs, productivity and competitiveness. "Promoting training in SMEs , better competition, the protection of their rights, innovation and the use of new technologies, the fact that the state is not a bureaucratic entity, but facilitates things for the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs. "

The 2018 version of this week will feature fairs that will bring entrepreneurs closer to Arica's neighbors and seminars on topics of interest to homeowners. companies in the region.

This festive example was created to recognize the work, value, and efforts that entrepreneurs in the country are developing every day. "This week, we will position entrepreneurs as the seed that will make the country prosperous, and they will have the opportunity to grow through a series of free training, networking and counseling activities. experts

. We will validate that sustainable economic growth involves an equal field for our entrepreneurs and small businesses in regulation, "commented the Seremi of Economy, Development and Tourism, Cristián Sayes.

In addition Seremi points out that, at the moment, projects such as the modernization of the tax system are being developed, which will aim to match the entrepreneurs court to an "SME clause"; days "that will limit the maximum payment term to the bills." We also have the program "Digitalize you Pyme", a set of measures to help entrepreneurs to decisively enter the fourth technological revolution. There is also the new Office of Productivity and National Entrepreneurship (OPEN), which aims to simplify procedures, eliminate bureaucracy and allow people to devote themselves to work and creation. "

Spring Festival

] One of the novelties of this year is the" Queen of Spring "contest, which is part of the celebration of the Spring Festival, organized for the second time by the directors of Barrio Primavera, created two years ago as part of Sercotec's Commercial Neighborhood Strengthening Program

The party seeks to stimulate trade through offers, contests and rebates, in addition to taking up an old tradition of the city During this week, all badociated merchants of the district will make special promotions.

In this version, in order to integrate the community, the queens queens are representatives of our city who, in front of a jury, will be in the running for the 2018 award.

Calendar of the week of SMEs

Tuesday, November 13

Expo "Entrepreneurship does not have of age or border "[19659019] 12:00

Paseo Colón between Sotomayor and May 21

Wednesday, November 14

Expo Mujer Emprendedora

Inauguration 11 pm

Esplanada Parque Vicuña Mackenna

Thursday, November 15

Seminar "Developing SMEs, the Spirit of Business and Competitiveness"

] 09:00 hours

Luckia Casino

Press Release Launch of the DFL 15 Contest.

12:00 hours

Terrace Hotel Antay

Inauguration of the Spring Festival Activities

] at 18:00 hours

] To be confirmed between Barrio Primavera Polygon

Friday, November 16, December

Seminar on Building Business Skills

09:00 hours

Science Room University of Tarapacá


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