Arica someday – Novesoso and Unpublished! Accompanying dog model of the victim implemented


Novesoso and Unpublished! Accompanying dog model of the victim implemented

on November 5, 2018 // national, society

A specially trained dog is part of an unprecedented initiative at the national level, which involves accompanying minor victims. It was implemented as part of an investigation into badual abuse targeting an 8-year-old girl. The can accompanied the minor in the outbuildings of the prosecutor's office and the oral court.

He is Texa, he is 4 years old and he is a Labrador breed. With this dog, dependent on the canine training brigade, regional parquets of Arica and Parinacota, as well as the IDP and the support of the judiciary, has launched a pilot model of emotional containment and accompaniment of children victims of crime. ] The initiative, unprecedented at the national level, was implemented as part of a badual abuse investigation targeting a child under 8 years old. Thus, Texa and his canine guide of the PDI mainly moved from Santiago to Arica to participate in the penal process supporting the minor.

In this way, the emotionally trained dog accompanied the minor into the dependencies of the unit. the attention of the victims and witnesses of the Office of the Prosecutor, and then made it as part of his testimony during the oral trial before the special chamber of victims authorized by the city's first instance court.

"This is a model pilot project focusing on victims, girls, boys and adolescents, especially in bad crimes cases, with the objective of creating a link between the victim and the puppy, this can reduce their level of anxiety and make themselves more serene in front of a magistrate, trying to avoid revictimization, "said regional prosecutor Javiera Lopez. Macarena Calas Guerra, president of the Arica Criminal Court, stressed that the use of these dogs was positive and that it allowed to respect the international standards and the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. rights of the child. With regard to this issue: "In the context of the violation of minors, the use of these dogs has allowed children to make a statement better and calmer."

The magistrate explained that the children during the declaration "do not know they feel victimized as before, but it was a beautiful experience, they are even more concerned about playing with dogs and making selfies with them that with the judicial process. "

The regional prosecutor adds that not all cases will be applicable to this model, but that the prosecutor of the case and the professionals of the unit of the victims of the Office of the Prosecutor will evaluate and determine in which cases the badistance and the accompaniment of the emotional constraint will be requested.


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