Arrested for Explosive Packages is a strong supporter of President Trump – Internationale


Cesar Sayoc A Florida man suspected of having sent homemade bombs to critics of Donald Trump is a staunch supporter of the Republican president or an intense hatred of Democrats.

  USA: man arrested for alleged involvement in the shipment of explosive packages

USA: man arrested for alleged involvement in the shipment of explosive packages [19659005Readmore

Sayoc, a 56-year-old resident of Aventura, north of Miami, was arrested on Friday in connection with explosive devices sent by mail to high-profile Democrats and former highs. officials, said FBI director Christopher Wray.

Sayoc had already been arrested several times. He was notably charged in 2002 with launching a false bomb threat, according to court documents provided by Miami-Dade County. He was sentenced to one year probation.

Also known as Caesar Altieri, he has a long history of financial problems. The court documents also show that he declared bankruptcy in 2012.

Sayoc's political tendency is evident in his social networks and in his seized truck, whose windows were covered with stickers pro-Trump and against the Democrats and the press.

In particular, offensive images against former President Barack Obama and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, as well as a sticker bearing the inscription "CNN fears . "

A photo of him on his Facebook page

Obama, Clinton and CNN received some of the homemade bombs sent by mail and sent from an address in Florida.

Clearly, Sayoc had at least two Twitter accounts, @hardrock2016 and @hardrockintlent, in which he wrote César Altieri and "Julus Cesar Milan".

The tweets of the far right

The last tui The account of Sayro @ hardrock2016 dates from Wednesday.

He retransmitted a retouched image that indicates that Andrew Gillum, Democratic candidate for the governorship of Florida, has "acknowledged" to have received money from billionaire George Soros.

Soros, one of the leading sponsors of progressive causes, was also the target of one of the explosive devices.

This tweet is one of many comments against Gillum and other Democrats, including California Representative Maxine Waters. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker also received packages containing bombs.

Moreover, in the tweets where he attacked Democratic MP Debbie Wbaderman Schultz – whose address appeared as the sender of the envelopes – Sayoc made the same typographical error in the envelopes: "Shultz . "

In a June comment, he wishes Trump a happy birthday: "Thank you for everything you do against everyone and for not stopping, never go ahead and build the wall."

Sayoc He made several references to the Seminole tribe in his account, but in his LinkedIn profile, he mentions Filipino ancestors, claiming that his grandfather was a leading surgeon in the Philippines.

He claims to have worked for the Hard Rock Seminole Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida, but the hotel and the Seminole tribe claim they have no evidence that he worked there or was a member of the tribe.


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