arrests a couple for the rape, torture and death of their 4-month-old baby



A couple was arrested after the death of their four-month-old baby after being badually badaulted and burned in the neck of the Quilmes party in Buenos Aires

07/25/2018 21:33

The death of Titian occurred Saturday but it was only recently known when the result of autopsy of the creature's body was reported in the Morgue of La Plata.
Until then justice had no suspicion because the doctor who badisted the little Quilmes Dispensary did not inform the obvious signs of violence that he had in the body.
Until that health center, the boy had arrived with his aunt. The woman reported that the boy had been badfed by his mother at 4:00 and by 11:00 he had found him dying.
Then he explained that the mother could not appear and that for this reason she had transferred him.
For 40 minutes, Tiziano underwent pulmonary cardiac resuscitation maneuvers that did not work.
The specialist did not report the injuries sustained by the baby, nor did he sign the death certificate. The case has therefore been judicialized as an investigator on death.
The horrific story behind it has been revealed. Forensic report of the forensic doctor, who reported that he had been raped and burned before his death.
From this moment, the prosecutor Ximena Santoro, head of the Prosecutor's Office No. 7 of Quilmes, opened an investigation and ordered the arrest of the minor's parents.
First, they found the 24-year-old mother of the victim, staying at her home in Villa Los Álamos, Quilmes Oeste, where the father, the main accused of the harbadment, was not found, nor the four brothers of the victim.
Moments of desperation were experienced before the capture because there was fear for the integrity of the miners. More than eight hours delayed the police authorities to find the 31-year-old man accused of being the perpetrator of Titian's crime.
Judicial sources confirmed to El Quilmeño du Diario Popular that the other four sons of the man were negative in the protocol of badual abuse and were left in charge of the Quilmes Local Service, which ordered his shelter in a shelter in Lomas de Zamora.
After translating the details of the incident, the residents of Los Alamos neighborhood demonstrated in front of the house of the victim's father.




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