Arriving in the United States is a matter of life and death


"They drown, they drown!" Desperately shouted a woman. Four men went to the Suchiate River to rescue two young children from the caravan of migrants attempting to cross Guatemala and travel to Mexico

. Then they emerged and the rescuers were able to help them. Rafts have also joined the operation.

This is only one of the many moments of desperation experienced by the migrants most of them of Honduran origin, upon their entry into Mexico .

The Crossing

This Saturday, many of them decided to leave the long line that had formed on the border bridge to seek refuge with the authorities of this country. P roasted by the river, natural border separating Guatemala and Mexico.

Although it is not so deep, it is quite wide and, nowadays, it is crossed by a strong current due to the rains of the season.

Some walk across, with the help of a rope that they put on the river, right on the bridge where the migration control is located.

The others swam and the others the least on a raft. Only a few chevrons dared to break the orders of the police who had warned them not to bring immigrants.

"We despaired and decided to continue looking for a future in the US He badured us that they would not deport us," said Juan Pablo, one of the young who swam.

Until now, the Mexican police had not arrested them.

According to the Milenio group, the authorities warned that the authorities Nearly 900 Central American migrants who crossed the border illegally will be subjected to administrative procedures including repatriation to their place of origin. "


For those who decided to go through the Mexican authorities, the situation is extremely difficult the most critical point of the caravan that left Honduras there are more One week

Those who are still on the bridge await the authorities The Mexicans receive them, they suffer for many hours from the terrible heat .They slept on the asphalt, in the open air, they do not have access to running water or toilets and the smell of urine is constant.

They eat and drink what the Some people have money to buy something.

Garbage piled up in small mountains

Although adults have stoked babies and children and poured them out of 39 water on the head to prevent heat stroke or heat stroke., Several of it They fainted.

Similarly, some women have disappeared.

Whenever someone fainted, people around them poured water, lingering with everything they had on hand. As soon as they could, they loaded him and took him to the front, right up to the door, where they were allowed to pbad on the Mexican side to receive him. ;help.

300 asylum applications per day

Mexican authorities began to allow migrants to enter, but at a rate that seems to them too slow

"It's a crisis , children suffer a lot and they spend a lot of time here, they risk dying " explains Eva Fernández, of the NGO Yo Amo Guatemala, who left California to participate in the program. caravan organization

Commissioner for National Security Renato Sales Heredia told BBC Mundo that they were receiving migrants and processing asylum applications. "They will be told if they prove that they are suffering in their home country from violence or a humanitarian problem that deserves it."

Sales explained that each case would be badyzed in particular, which usually takes 40 days, and ensured that each day They will handle on average claims of about 300 immigrants.

While the bridge, one kilometer long, was loosened, a bit by the people who decided to cross the river, it was again occupied by new arriving migrants. 19659002] Some media speak of more people who have just started the march and who could arrive in the next few days

Due to the sanitary conditions of the bridge, "there is a serious risk of death. humanitarian emergency, "he said. Tonatiuh Magos, director of political advocacy and mobilization of the NGO World Vision,

argues that lack of toilets and high temperatures can cause dehydration crises and epidemics ] mainly in children.

Violence and Poverty

Dania left San Pedro Sula (Honduras) with her husband and 4 children.

"We know that this path is particularly difficult for our children, but what can we do?" In our country, we have no future, many have seen We are looking for something better for the whole family. Arriving in the United States is a matter of life and death Or we all live or we all die " he says

They decided to wait on the bridge and they n & # 39; Do not have much hope that it will be fast, then, like many, they put a plastic sheet attached to the fence that will serve to protect your children from the sun. "It would not do much for the rain, but until now, we were lucky.Yesterday, only a few drops fell."

Migrants agree on the reasons that have them pushed to leave everything they had in Honduras: violence and poverty.

" S Hondurans, because it is difficult to find a decent job to be able to eat and support our families and because the gangs have fried us : I had to pay them an extortion to be able to work in my small mechanics workshop, but I could not pay them and I had to do it close, "says Pedro, another of the migrants.

Most people believe that in the United States, life will be better.

Jessica, 15, travels alone and wants to travel to New York because she has family there. " S Ali because gang members told me that they were going to kill me" he asked strangers to call his mother "I cried and told me to take good care of myself and that, if I'm going to drown, loose the backpack," he says.

or in the United States, migrants will not be welcome . President of the United States, Donald Trump, asked Mexico to stop the caravan. In recent statements, he said that Central American migrants were not exactly "little angels", but "tanned criminals".

During a telephone conversation, Honduran Presidents Juan Orlando Hernández, Guatemala, Jimmy Morales and Mexico's Enrique Peña Nieto, badured that they would respect the Global Compact for Migration, which promotes safe, regular and orderly migration, according to a communication from the Mexican presidency.

Presidents of Guatemala and Honduras announced that they had taken steps to return Secure and orderly for migrants who decide to return . They badure that 2,000 people have already returned.

"Our situation is hopeless"

But for most caravan migrants, returning to Honduras does not seem like an option.

"We got here, not Being in Mexico means a lot, from here we can only go to the north," says David López, one of the coordinators who crossed the river.

Hikers who chose this option met in a park in the center of Ciudad Hidalgo, a border town on the Mexican side

they say that they will rest a bit and that they will start again their trip.

Hundreds of them approached the river on the Mexican side of the bridge. and from there, they shouted with a loudspeaker to the migrants waiting for refuge in Mexico "Come, cross, do not be afraid".

Many come and go across the river.

The next point they want to reach in an attempt to enter the United States is the city of Tapachula, Chiapas.

In southern Mexico, a country where, in addition to political problems, they will also be exposed to serious risks of insecurity.

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