Artificial Intelligence in Peru



Sofia Pichihua

@zophiap on Twitter

The artificial intelligence (AI) will lead the process of technological transformation. This is the main conclusion of a recent CIPPEC study conducted for Microsoft, which badyzes the potential of this trend in the national context. Peru is in an initial phase of implementation.

For results, three scenarios are proposed: positive, neutral and negative. Ramiro Albrieu, senior researcher on economic development of CIPPEC, explained to Peruano that in the scenario of a positive adoption, Peruvian GDP could increase by 6% per year.

According to him, this will only be a reality if "the problems are solved" financing for those looking to invest in artificial intelligence and research, to fight against the lack of data and d & # 39; infrastructure to maximize their use, overcome ignorance and address the lack of talent and adequate human capital.

According to CIPPEC estimates, 84 per cent of Peruvian workers in complementary occupations with new technologies need more training to adapt to AI.

Challenges to take up

Fourth revolution, as we know at this stage, it is urgent that the national agenda include the development of a comprehensive plan for the adoption of new technologies in business, encouraging technological changes resulting from public policies and regulations, he said.

Workers need to learn skills and think about formal education from the start to motivate creativity, flexibility and resilience.

"Finally, entrepreneurs and businesswomen are the main agents of technological change, they have to change the mentality and culture of their organizations," he said. This involves reinventing production processes and expanding the product landscape.

The expert said that if the process of adoption of the technology was successful, Peru could experience an acceleration of growth in five years.

He added that the positive result would not be the result of the expansion of a specific sector, but a phenomenon of a general nature.

In a positive scenario, current GDP would rise from $ 13,900 to $ 19,900 per capita.

In a neutral scenario, the annual GDP would be 4.9% and in the negative scenario 3.7%.

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