Artificial intelligence will boost the economy in Latin America | Economy


The advantages of artificial intelligence for Latin America will imply an enlargement of regional gross domestic product (GDP) of 4.3% per year, said Ramiro Albrieu at the presentation of the study "Artificial intelligence and economic growth and challenges for Latin America."

Albrieu said the work, prepared at the request of Microsoft and based on official data from of Latin American countries accounting for 80% of regional GDP, indicates that with an accelerated transformation for the use of artificial intelligence, regional GDP would increase by 4.3% per year.

"Entrepreneurs must accept the fact that they must think about a future projection to understand that they must also do their part to ease the adoption of artificial intelligence in the production process because the fear of this change is still great, "says the expert.

Artificial intelligence is a branch of science. computer in which machines perform tasks such as a human mind to run production processes in all types of businesses. For example, robotic process automation can be programmed to perform high volume repetitive tasks normally performed by humans .

Microsoft's cloud manager, Erick Sosa, says that the human being would continue to solve more complex problems through the use of artificial intelligence in production processes.

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