Ask the controller to investigate the Minister of Health for actions in Sonda


MP Víctor Torres announced today that with other parliamentarians will submit a request to the controller to investigate what was the variation in profits or not that the company could have had under the contracts that has with the Department of Health .

The legislator made this announcement after hearing that the Minister of Health, Emilio Santelices, has a set of actions in the SONDA company which has contracts with Fonasa organization dependent on said portfolio.

The deputy DC added that " is a very complex situation, I believe that it has the character of gravity, since obviously the minister was well aware of his appointment to the And that he held shares in Sonda, who has this agreement with Fonasa and who stayed with the property of them for all that time until it was he learned that this information was going to be discovered. "

" We want to know what effect the Minister of Health, who is the last responsible for public health policies, could have had effects of Sonda, during this time that has Therefore, there is an action which, in my view at least, merits consideration before the Office of the Comptroller and the Health Committee of the House ", said the parliamentarian. The minister surprised us with negative news that obviously calls into question his continuity in the office. Obviously, those of us who voted in favor of a constitutional charge are because we believe that the minister has committed a series of elements that, in my opinion, should at least the to continue in office ". He noted that "this is in addition to the other situations that the Minister has faced in recent months and for this reason, regardless of what the Comptroller establishes it is clear that he does not may not have any actions during the performance of his duties.have a relationship of relationship and contract with state entities, as in this case, with Fonasa "[19659005] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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