Assaulted with bars, remains at risk


confused incident occurred last Saturday they still maintain
Attorney's Office and the PDI investigate the cases that left one of the
those involved in life in danger, so yesterday, three of the so-called
The perpetrators of the attack were formalized before the Court of
Punta Arenas.

the first steps that the Office of the Prosecutor charged the
Homicide (BH) of the PDI, was to clarify the paternity of the serious injury to
one of the participants, as pointed out the Commissioner of BH José
Luis Lillo: "The prosecutor's office asked the homicide squad
product investigation that there was a person at risk of life in the
Clinical Hospital of Magallanes (HCM), establishing that it was
of a quarrel following a discussion between one of the actors and their
neighbour. "

" This because of loud music in the early hours of the morning. It has been generated
a discussion of the words until the end with badaults on the person
what he claimed, therefore, resulted in minor injuries. However
In this fight, another 30-year-old was seriously injured after
receive the impact by a fence that one of the attackers kidnapped at the time
to throw it away. Now, what needs to be established is whether the event was generated
voluntarily or accidentally, since the aggressor and the victim are
cousins, arresting three people for the various crimes that are
they are committed to this place. Everyone is involved in the events of
according to various biological evidence and evidence. "


Yesterday morning, the three detainees were transferred by the staff
from the PDI to the Punta Arenas Court of Guarantee, where the prosecutor
Rina Blanco formalized them for their participation in the fight.

As he gave
the representative of the public prosecutor at the hearing, the
the facts were designed around 8 am on Saturday, June 30
past, the accused Julio Cesar Antiquera Yutronic, annoyed because his
neighbor A.P.M. From the early hours of the morning, he kept the music high and
yelling in Pbadage Hill York, knocked on the door to ask him to get off
the volume, how much according to the complaint he would have threatened with
stab and not play with him.

Before the screams in the
front yard, three parents left the house, Bastián
Bahamonde Bustamante and his cousins ​​Cristóbal Oyarzo Bahamonde and his
brother Jorge Oyarzo Bahamonde, in a state of drunkenness, so
Antiquera Yutronic retired to his home, followed by the three
the people

Then, a fight began and Bastián Bahamonde Bustamante
He took an iron fence from his base and when he lifted it up to throw it
would have had the opportunity to hit his cousin (Jorge Oyarzo Bahamonde) in the
before, unaware of this situation and enter the front yard of the
property, striking Antiquera Yutronic, who fell to the floor, from
where he started to defend himself.

The scene witnessed a neighbor,
who stepped in so that they end up fighting, since towards the place
he led the carabineers' staff.

In these moments, trying
retreat, they realized that the victim, Jorge Oyarzo Bahamonde,
I found myself on the ground unconscious and bloody, trying to be taken
the address where they shared and ask for help from the System of
Emergency medical care (EMS).

this context was formalized at Antiquera Yutronic for the crime of
threats, while Jorge Oyarzo Bahamonde (the victim), until yesterday
remained in the intensive care unit of the HCM, in
extreme seriousness, according to prosecutor Rina Blanco, so the
Bastián Bahamonde Bustamante was formalized for the crime of
serious serious injury, for the blow that keeps his cousin serious,
while this same accused with his other cousin, Cristóbal
Oyarzo Bahamonde, has been formalized for less serious injury crimes
serious and violation of the violent home, to have entered the house
from Antiquera Yutronic

All accused recover rum
his freedom, remaining with various precautionary measures, while
the closing time of the investigation was fixed at 90 days

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