Asteroid Day: What are NASA and ESA doing to avoid a collision with the Earth? | Space | Science | Technology and Science


June 30 is the Asteroid Day but since tomorrow scientists from around the world are discussing in Luxembourg the state of planetary science, programs and missions to detect and track these bodies heaven, and, if necessary, divert their trajectory if it poses a threat to the Earth.

From European Space Agency ( ESA ) will be present in Luxembourg, among others, its director, Jan Wörner, as well as the director of the Hera mission, Ian Carnelli , the first of a binary asteroid and the European contribution to a great experience of defense of the Earth. [19659003] The Hera mission, recently unveiled by ESA is in the engineering phase, after similar missions were rejected for budgetary reasons

The American NASA also his own mission, the DART (reorientation test of a double asteroid), with the aim of colliding in October 2022 against the asteroid of two bodies Didymos and to change its orbit at a speed of six kilometers per second, nine times faster than a bullet.

The binary system Didymos which is formed by two bodies: Didymain, 780 meters in diameter and the size of a mountain, and Didymoon, a moon 160 meters, the size of the great pyramid of Giza, which revolves around .

The binary systems of asteroids represent only 15% of all known asteroids, but have not been explored until

The NASA wants with this project demonstrate that the Earth can be protected from the future impacts of asteroids and will do so with Didymos, whose trajectory should bring it to only 11 million kilometers from the Earth in 2022. [19659003] The Hera mission, which takes its name of the Greek goddess of marriage, should reach Didymos in 2026, to make a scientific map of the surface and structure of its Didymoon high resolution visual, laser and radio moon. [19659003] The Asteroid Day can be celebrated from tomorrow by following on the Internet a 48-hour event involving scientists, astronauts and artists

Queen's guitarist, Brian May, also astrophysicist, will speak in Luxembourg with other experts of the need to accept the risks of asteroids, which are remnants of the question of the formation of the planet.

ESA Astronaut Matthias Maurer will also participate in the event with his colleagues Nicole Scott and Edward Lu, among others

The interest aroused by the asteroids also manifests itself at the arrival on June 27 of the Japanese ship Hayabusa2 to the 162173 Ryugu asteroid, 300 million kilometers from Earth, after a 42 – month trip into space, to study it in detail, drop several Japanese mills and a European on the surface and bring a stone sample to Earth in 2020.

Most asteroids are in orbit in the belt between Jupiter and Mars, the belt asteroids, but some have entered the interior of the solar system and are crossing the Earth's orbit.

These are the dangerous and those who, according to the experts, they deserve attention.

The Asteroid Day recalls the anniversary of the Tunguska event, in Siberia, on June 30, 1908, when a space rock of about 37 meters wide penetrated into the atmosphere and exploded in the sky releasing energy equivalent to about 185 bombs from Hiroshima, according to data from NASA .

An asteroid the size of Tunguska will enter the Earth's atmosphere once a day. 300 years,

Of the more than 750,000 asteroids in the solar system, 1,800 have orbits in astronomical terms near the Earth, so the danger of the impact is real for the experts.

(Source: EFE )


The NASA is the # 39, National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States.

It was founded by President Dwight D. Einsenhower in 1958 with a civil orientation.

Among the most important successes of NASA are the missions Apollo which reached the Moon. Currently supports the International Space Station while exploring other planets, stars, being its closest target to Mars, the red planet.

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