Astronomers are photographing a newborn planet for the first time


The miracle of the universe in photo

At 370 light years from Earth, the first image of a newborn planet was captured. This is PDS 70b a star located in the constellation Centauri and which has just been captured by the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg (Germany).

According to the official document of his discovery, PDS 70b C is a gaseous planet with a mbad similar to that of Jupiter. It was therefore necessary to use the VLT (Very Large Telescope) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to capture this image:

  Astronomers photograph for the first time a newborn planet

The baby planet is about 3 billion kilometers from its central star, which equates to the distance between Uranus and the Sun.

It is believed that the surface of the planet has a temperature of about 1000 degrees Celsius; and the above would be the first image of its kind.

As can be seen clearly in the photo; the planet is surrounded by a transitional disk, a protoplanetary disk with a gigantic hollow in the center.

This phenomenon was only badyzed from numerical data and theoretical approaches. But now this picture allows us to see exactly how they look at this stage of the development of a star.

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