Asylum in Palma Salamanca: Total indignation in the UDI following the decision of France


The UDI was very upset by the determination of the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons to grant a "political asylum" to the main perpetrator of the 39 badbadination of the badbadination of Jaime Guzmán, the terrorist Ricardo Palma Salamanca.

hopes that the French government led by Emmanuel Macron will reject the request of the former frontier worker and his family, a remedy by which he seeks to escape the Chilean justice and avoid serving his sentence for this crime in prison, since he escaped from high security in 1996.

"Being located in France two decades after his escape from prison, we were convinced that this terrorist could return to Chile to serve his sentence for the treacherous crime he's committed against our people. " Founder Jaime Guzmán, "said Senator and Party President Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe

" But today, we observe with indignation and annoyance The government of a democratic state decides, without any valid argument, to to grant refuge to a dangerous terrorist, who has sought all these years to remain with impunity, as well as to most of those who participated in the attack on the former senator, "he added. [19659002] The highest authority of the UDI added "that it is not only a grievance for us, but for the whole country, France welcoming from Palma Salamanca's defense argument that in Chile there is no legal guarantee to return. "

He added that" this will not discourage us, we will continue to deploy all our energy and our actions so that those responsible for the death of Jaime Guzmán are serving their sentence in Chile and put an end to this chain of international protection. they had until now. "

The senator indicated that the determination of the French government in this case" is a very bad sign in the efforts of the international community to deal with terrorism at the global level. "In addition, he stressed that the decision French justice was in abeyance because of the request for extradition to have Palma Salamanca returned to Chile.

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