At least six dead and 35 wounded in the explosion of a car bomb in northern Iraq


At least six people died and 35 were injured by a car bomb at a popular market in the Iraqi city of Al Qayara, 50 kilometers south of Mosul, in the north [19659002] At least two Iraqi army soldiers were killed, Captain Sabah al Bayati of the Nineveh Provincial Police said.

The explosion also caused damage materials contained in vehicles parked in the area and in adjacent buildings .

The source did not give further details about the author of the attack, which for the moment was not claimed by any extremist group

In recent weeks, There were several attacks in the province of Saladino located south of Nineveh . hiding places. [19659002] The Iraqi government announced in late 2017 the military defeat of the terrorist group after taking control of the last areas it controlled, but jihadists are still present in parts of the country and have the ability to attempt

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