Atari returns to the ring with two "retro consoles"


It is no longer a mystery that "retro" takes the stage at all levels, and video game consoles are the area where this trend to look back is most prevalent.

The input combo put Nintendo, first with the NES Clbadic, then with the SNES, to see the success of many other companies, and the change is now Atari.

The manufacturer Blaze announced that he was already on the market. two new outfits for the nostalgic: Atari Retro Portable TV and Atari Retro Plug & Play TV.

According to experts, the biggest pearl is the Atari Retro Portable TV, thanks to its attractive design that simulates a wooden shell, gives it all the touch of elegance, distinction and an extremely clbadic look.

Its 2.4-inch screen, works with AAA batteries and it has a video output A / V, which allows to switch the picture to larger screen.

This portable version comes with 50 pre-installed games, including the immortal "Centipede", "Pong" and "Breakout". His value? About 40 euros, about 30 lucas.

Atari Retro Portable will also go on sale with the Atari Retro Plug & Play TV, which has the unforgettable joystick shape of this type of consoles.

How does it work? It connects directly to the TV and works with the same device, does not require external controls.

Like the laptop, includes 50 clbadic games and its market value will be 30 euros (23,000 pesos).

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