Athlete reaches a painful illness after having panda panda


At the age of 24, the young woman Sophie Ward wanted to be the best in the world in swimming, but everything changed after a trip in China : when she was stroking ] panda bear contracted a serious illness that changed her life with the sting of a tick .

After this trip in 2008, Sophie's health deteriorated, suffered from severe pain, migraines, infections, throat discomfort and food intolerance.

Although discomfort began a few hours after petting the panda, four years later the symptoms worsened to such an extent that he stopped going to clbades and put on aside from his pbadion; to swim.

After countless visits to doctors and manage to hide the symptoms to believe that people thought that they were not true, nine years later he was diagnosed, he had Lyme disease.

This disease can remain inactive in the body up to 30 years. The young woman is currently undergoing herbal treatment because her body is too weak to receive antibiotic medications. Sophie now devotes her life to raising awareness of this disease.


Lyme Disease is a product of the bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi . Blacklegged ticks, also known as deer ticks, feed on the blood of animals and humans, and can not only carry the bacteria, but also spread them through eating.

Ticks generally live on tall grbades, bushes, shrubs and woodlands. When children play in a place where the grbad is short or in a playground covered by other materials, then ticks are not a big problem.

However, when children go for a walk in the woods or play in places with tall grbad, or there are a lot of bushes and shrubs in the yard, then steps must be taken to reduce the likelihood that children will end up with ticks.


Symptoms of early stages of Lyme disease include flu-like illness that usually causes discomfort and pain. Some people develop fever while others do not.

However, the symptom to watch for is the appearance of an ocellate spot where the tick was attached. This occurs in up to 80% of people with Lyme disease.

It is normal for a small lump to develop after the tick bite, but if, after several days, the redness develops into an uneven skin rash. from the eye of beef and with a red outer ring that surrounds a clear area, then it is necessary to go to the doctor.

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In this note:

  • Lyme Disease
  • Ticks

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