Attack against the seat of government in Afghanistan leaves at least 8 dead


  Take the seat of government in Afghanistan; at least 8 dead

This is the second attempt on the building in a month, following a similar attack in June.


At least eight people died and fifteen were wounded today in a suicide bombing next to the l '; entry of Ministry of Rehabilitation and Rural Development in Kabul reported an official source.

The explosion the second which shakes the building in a month a similar attack in June occurred around 16:30 local time (12 : 00 GMT) at the time employees were abandoning the Department west of the Afghan capital said the spokesman of the city police, Hashmat Stanekzai.

Of the eight killed in the attack there are civilians and military, as well as the aggressor, said Stanekzai without providing further details, although he warned that the number of casualties According to the source, a suicide bomber blew himself up by detonating the explosive-laden vest he was carrying at the entrance of the building

No group still claimed responsibility for the attack.

The ministry has already been the target of an attack last June, the last major attack in the Afghan capital, when a suicide bomber blew up the bombs that he carried at least 12 dead and 31 wounded.

He was later claimed by the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group, and took place one day before the unilateral ceasefire decreed by the Afghan government came into effect.

Kabul has suffered several suicide bombings so far this year, the worst recorded in January when the Taliban detonated an ambulance bomb near the former Interior Ministry, where some official offices still operate, which has caused more than a hundred deaths. [196] 59005] Afghanistan goes through one of its bloodiest stages since the end of NATO's combat mission in January 2015.


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