Attention pharmacies: Amazon confirms its entry into the health sector


The action gives you access to a distribution network across the United States. The announcement shook the stock of companies such as Walgreens and CVS Health

After months of speculation about the possible entry of the Amazon into the health sector, the e-commerce giant today announced the purchase of the online start-up. PillPack, which will quickly gain access to a distribution network across the United States

The announcement has shaken shares of pharmaceutical chains such as Walgreens and its competitor CVS Health, which fell by 10% and 8 respectively, 9%

. ] The terms of the Amazon agreement with PillPack have not been disclosed, but the companies have indicated that they expect to finalize by the end of the year. year.

The startup has permits to send pharmacists in all states of the country quickly to a company that in 2016 generated sales of 328,600 million US dollars, according to figures cited by Bloomberg.

Pillpack sends prescription drug packages to your clients' homes It has high process automation, for example, to check when a replacement matches.

Amazon broke into new insurance appliances companies. Nearly a year ago, he bought Whole Foods, which shook the supermarket sector.

Stefano Pbadina, CEO of Wallgreens, was interviewed today by badysts about the reaction of his company. He said that there was no hurry: until now, he said, "it's just an announcement of Amazon."

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