attractive destination for investment


The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) that arrived annually in Colombia, between 2011 and 2017, averaged $ 14.508 million

This is underlined by the most recent report on the 39; EEI published by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), which also highlights that capital flows to the region decreased by 3.6% last year.

In the case of Colombia, there was an increase of 0.5%, because while in 2016 the investment that went into the country totaled $ 13.850 million, the l & # 39; In the previous year this account added 13,924 million.

For the Minister of Commerce, María Lorena Gutiérrez This performance shows that Colombia is consolidating as one of the top three recipients of foreign investment in Latin America, behind Brazil and Mexico.

In a statement, the official stressed the stability that the country offers to the countries. international investors. "We have instruments that are very attractive such as investment agreements, free zones and double taxation conventions."

In addition, the minister said that the outlook is better. "The peace agreement and the entry of Colombia into the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are aspects that make us even more attractive."

Before his peers in the Pacific Alliance, Colombia also had the previous year, since Peru lost 1.4% of foreign investment, Chile experienced a contraction of 48.1% and in Mexico, the decline was 8.8%.

The resources that come to boost the national economy, ECLAC quotes the European Union and the United States as the main sources.

In the disaggregated by sectors that receive FDI, the Bank of the Republic said that 22.5% of the money that came last year ($ 3.135 million) went to projects in the oil sector, being the biggest investment for this activity since 2015 (see Dicen de).

Another similar part ($ 3.136 million) investment was intended This is due to the fact that the Spanish Telefónica and the Mexican Claro had to recapitalize their subsidiaries after the courts forced them to pay $ 500 million and $ 1,000 million, respectively.

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