Australia applies strict measures against vaccines: they have to pay every day that they do not inoculate their children


"Unvaccinated children represent a risk to public health," said Australian Minister of Social Affairs Dan Tehan.

Therefore, this country has implemented the program entitled "No jab, No pay", which promotes vaccination and punishes those who do not. People who decide not to vaccinate their children risk a daily fine of 13,600 Chilean pesos, which will be effective every two weeks.

The Australian Minister pointed out that "vaccination is the surest way to protect children from diseases that can be prevented by vaccination. Parents who do not do so endanger the children of others. "

Last year, Italy followed the same path and created a law that requires parents to submit a vaccination booklet with 12 doses applied to infants.Otherwise, children from 0 to 6 years can not be enrolled in nurseries or education system for the risk of contagion.

European countries are particularly concerned about the measles epidemic, Romania, Italy and Italy. 39, Ukraine being the most affected The World Health Organization has noted that cases of this disease have increased by 400% on the European continent.

In 2017, there were 21 315 cases of measles in 2017 and a total of 35 deaths due to this disease 19659007] (function (d, s, id) {
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