Australia fines parents for failing to vaccinate their children – Medical News


The anti-vaccine movement is growing all over the world, prompting many immunology experts to note with concern how diseases that have been eradicated or whose incidence has fallen to historically low levels have reappeared in many countries. many countries. So much so that many people consider this group as the cause not only of the non-vaccination of their children, but also of the cause of infection of the most vulnerable people. Although the messages on scientific vaccination are clear and solid, many parents ignore this evidence, pointing out others who focus primarily on morality as followers grow up to avoid getting vaccinated around the world.

One of the countries that is determined to eradicate that small children are not vaccinated is Australia. His government, under the No Jab, No Pay program, began a measure last Sunday that parents who do not vaccinate their children pay a recurring penalty. The initiative implies that parents will pay about 18 euros fine for each child without vaccination every 15 days. The initiative was unveiled by the country's Minister of Social Affairs, Dan Tehan, who said this week at a press conference: "Unvaccinated children are a risk to public health", according to several press articles.

Until now, parents whose children were unaware of the vaccination schedule were already losing just over 467 euros of family allowance per year. Although at the end of this step, parents will lose the same amount of money "yes that will serve as a frequent reminder for these irresponsible parents," said the politician. Those who claim $ 80 a day or more will have to pay a higher fine, according to the same sources.

"Vaccination is the surest way to protect children from diseases that can be prevented by vaccination," the politician said in a statement. "Parents who do not do so endanger the children of others," he added. This action taken by the Australian government is part of a program to end the vaccines, after realizing that the percentage of unvaccinated children under seven years old had gone from 0.23% in 1999 to 1.77% in 2014.

Anti-vaccines are not only in Australia

According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, between 2016 and 2017 more than 19,000 cases of measles were reported in the European Union, with 46 fatal cases. 86% of those infected had not been vaccinated. Fortunately, in Spain, the strong "group immunity" is explained by the success of the MMR vaccination campaigns – against measles, rubella and mumps – which have been working since 1981.

In the United States, The American Medical Association has repeatedly discredited parents who refuse to vaccinate their children for reasons far removed from medicine and, like other organizations such as the World Health Organization, stress their ability to eradicate, protect and prevent the youngest are suffering from diseases such as measles, chickenpox or mumps. In this country, still in 20 of the 50 states outside Washington DC, they propose not to vaccinate for religious and personal reasons. Only three, California, Mississippi and West Virginia, do not allow non-medical exemptions

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