AUSTRALIA / Parents who do not want to vaccinate their children will be fined 18 euros


The movement against vaccines is gaining alarming popularity in various parts of the world. Whether in Asian, American or Oceanic countries, this measure extends threatening public health in several places. That's why the Australian government has decided to take action on this by imposing a fine of 18 euros every 15 days to parents who do not vaccinate their children, according to Australian media.

The main objective of the measure would be to reduce the risks of public health, as reported by the Minister of Social Affairs of the country, Dan Tehan for whom infants without any type of immunization represent a latent risk.

The measure shows an increase according to the salary received by each worker, so that if the parent in question charges more than 80 euros per day, the figure payable every two weeks will increase considerably. [VIDEO]

Vaccines for Children in Exchange for Benefits

The policy would have been popularized under the slogan " No Jab, No Pay ", which included the suspension of social services to all parents who did not have a child. had not immunize their children properly. In the same way, the national vaccination program in this country has a free vaccination system for residents, but not those who do not have a visa or are foreigners, have to pay the equivalent of vaccination rates proposed by the Australian Government. The measure would have come into force from 2016, with a resurgence of its policies from this year.

The measure aims to raise parents' awareness when it comes to vaccinating their children.

A call for attention in favor of vaccines

The practice of non-vaccination has been discredited by many health entities among them, the American Medical Association, which strongly discredited the popularity of this type of campaign. Similarly, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) also recalled that the maintenance of such policies is unscrupulous [VIDEO] when the number of measles cases, only in the 39, European Union, is accounted for 19,000 for the period 2016-2017, with more than 40 deaths only in Europe .

It is believed that this campaign will work as a mechanism of awareness for parents who insist on keeping this type of policy, in which immunization goes to the background either for ideological or religious reasons. The information provided does not yet consider how these characteristics will occur in the case of people who do not belong to the Australian nation, but who follow this type of movement.

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