Authorities on alert for an outbreak of mumps in various regiments of the region


U n
outbreak of mumps in various regiments of the region, has generated
activation of a series of protocols between the medical entities of the
Army and Seremi of Salud of Magallanes region. That's it
May 19 this year to date, 49 cases of
The officers of the army (including officers, middle managers and
basically conscripts), according to data provided by the Authority

in a national and regional context of increase of this disease
in the last two years, maintaining an epidemic status. If the
2017, 41 cases were reported during the year (with a rate of 20 cases
per 100,000 population), the figure reached in 2018
116, increasing the rate in 60 cases per 100,000 population).

In this regard, the army confirmed the information and pointed out
that there has been an increase in the last two months, but without specifying
which regiments it's all about We could only confirm that specifically
In the Pudeto regiment, 12 cases have been registered so far, six of them
they had already received their medical leave, while the other six
They remain in treatment and isolated from the rest. In this respect, the
The commander of the Pudeto regiment, Alejandro Moreno, stressed that
we approached with the macrozone of the health of Punta Arenas, in
coordination with the Magallanes Health Service. These two
agencies proceeded with a blockade, through the application of
vaccines in the Pudeto Regiment ", a similar procedure conducted in
four regiments of the region, as reported by the army.

the theme becomes more complex because at the end of the week
past and early this, the conscripts were visited by
his relatives for the commemoration of the oath to the flag. Hundreds
people have visited Punta Arenas coming from different
corners of the country and that could possibly be infected, although
Until the end of this edition, no case has yet been confirmed.

all means, as reported by the Seremi of Health, were
vaccinated about 1000 soldiers enlisted with three viral vaccines,
as part of the control measures of the epidemic.

Pablo Fontín Martínez

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