AutoComplete Emails and Correct Grammar: Google News for G Suite | Cloud Next 18 | | Trade | Economy | Peru


Google Cloud Next 18 for G Suite – platform that groups services like Gmail, Drive, Google Docs, Calendar, Hangouts, among others, for companies-. Many of them are consistent with automation and are based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Prabhakar Raghavan Vice President of Applications G Suite and in charge of the presentation, pointed out that the 1400 million daily users of these applications – among them, 80 million d & rsquo; Students around the world and 4 million paying customers – will soon have access to a system that follows the three Google : security & # 39; Chip (Chip) and Simplicity .


Raghavan highlighted the new functions of applications G Suite based on artificial intelligence and focused on the improvement of all process of writing, reading and efficiency during office coordination

. first change, which will be available in the following weeks for its customers, I adds an automatic response version to the Hangouts chat which offers three options with a language depending on the one used at work.

Another of the most applauded novelties by the public, it was a similar process incorporated for the Gmail of : the "Smart Compose", which will allow emails to semi-seizure automatic usual answers usually given to various e-mails at the workplace; based on the learning that AI allows.

Meanwhile, for what it is Google Docs implements an early adoption program for the new version of grammatical suggestions; something that will make it possible to recognize the errors of composition in the sentences and to make corrections from the suggestions of Google . The approach will be based on machine translation, which will also improve, he said Raghavan .

In an effort to empower managers in companies, Raghavan ] introduced for G Business and Enterprise Suite a new tool for research already available in beta that gives them more control over the prevention and problems of cybersecurity .

The executive explained that if, on the one hand, there are attempts of "19459006" phishing & # 39; or another possible offense, an administrator will be able to monitor how many users are affected by this act and whether the virus has spread externally.

"Administrators will also be able to eliminate access to contaminated unit files or delete malicious e-mails," he said Raghavan .

Another very important new feature for system users ] Google was the support for data storage regions, which will allow businesses in Europe, the United States. or from other parts of the world, select the storage location for your information; as well as to mobilize their files and access them if transfers are made.

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