Bachelet shows his support for Lula: Poses in Brazil with a shirt in support of the former president


Once again, former President Michelle Bachelet showed a gesture of support towards the former Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. On this occasion, the former head of state showed a shirt in which the expression "A hope will conquer o medo but uma vez" ("The hope will again defeat the fear").

Bachelet himself He is in Brazil, where he participates in the 12th Conference on Public Health in Rio de Janeiro.

There has been much speculation about a possible visit of the former head of state to Lula, who is serving a 12-year prison sentence for corruption, particularly after leading an initiative supported by several personalities Chilean policies. , in favor of the former Brazilian presidential candidate in the October elections in the country of Rio de Janeiro.

However, from the nearest circle of Bachelet they did not allude to this possibility, according to information from Emol.

"Today more than ever, it is fundamental to defend social progress because we are a group of countries that share far more than borders and lands," said the former President in her speech.

"I come from a country that, in the past, was distinguished by creating common horizons with great health professionals who, like former President Salvador Allende, understood the medical profession as a commitment to the most needy social changes ".

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