Bad experiences limit the use of digital channels


By Vanessa Linares

Jul 01, 2018-20: 00

The study "The end of the eternal process: citizens, bureaucracy and digital government", carried out by the Inter-American Development Bank (BID), reveals that the low availability of online procedures and the bad experiences of users are two of the factors that limit the use of digital channels to make paperwork.

Considering the initial advantages (cheaper, faster and less corruptible), one wonders if the rare use of digital procedures is due to the lack of the Internet … or procedures?

According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), with data updated until 2017, in El Salvador there are five hires bandwidth and 56 mobile internet per 100 inhabitants. 20.8% of households have a computer and at least 16.9% have access to the residential Internet.

The Latinobarómetro 2017 states that what happens is that most citizens who have access to the Internet use it for simple activities related to social networks for commerce in the second and the lower proportion and, much more still far, for paperwork.

It is mentioned that these measures can be influenced to a large extent because the availability of digital procedures is partial. Currently, only three of the 25 countries in the Latin American region have more than 50% of the procedures available to start online and many of them lack basic tools to facilitate the digitization of procedures, such as interoperability or digital signature.

Among the factors that may also affect the limited use of the digital channel to perform the procedures are the fact that citizens have bad experiences with technology and public information systems or because They prefer face-to-face procedures. abuse of your personal data online.

The agency also recognizes capacity gaps that many citizens can not access the procedures that are available, including lack of legal identity, broadband connectivity, trivialization (access to a debit or credit card, required to make payments for online transactions) and alfabet Digitization

The IDB study mentions that there is a direct correlation between income and income. Digital channel usage, and greater use of digital business transactions and payments: People with a high level of education and who use the Internet on days are much more likely to make an online process than to use digital channels. an average citizen.

The paper also considers that on some occasions, although there are online procedures and although people can access them, they are poorly designed and lead to bad experiences, said the IDB [19659004] A survey of about 1000 people in the region, almost all with advanced graduate studies (mastering or over) and who use the Internet every day, revealed very low levels of satisfaction with digital procedures and an explanation clear: they do not work well.

More than 60% of citizens who failed in their last attempt to run an online procedure attributed the reasons domains to technical problems with the page, did not find the information I needed and the procedure was not online.

"Latin American governments fail users of digital procedures," said the international body.


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