Baldness and gray hair could have their days counted by a new drug


Scientists at Johns Hopkins University believe they have found a central point in these problems.

Losing or maintaining hair but with its reduced color is one of the typical symptoms of advanced age. However, these symptoms can also be triggered by genetic factors or stress images in advance. Now a group of scientists has developed an interesting drug to control baldness and gray hair.

Experts from Johns Hopkins University (USA) have developed a compound that can reverse the symptoms in mice. Although it has not yet been tested in humans, the experiments have been positive in combating hair loss and the appearance of gray hair.

The article was published in Nature and entitled "Inhibition of glycosphingolipid synthesis". loss of skin and hair in mice. "How is this done?" It all boils down to a substance called D-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol (D-PDMP) that has the potential to reverse it. Alopecia, canitis and skin inflammation by controlling glycosphingolipids (skin components and other cell membranes).

What they did was fundamentally alter a group of mice to develop atherosclerosis.The same group was divided into two groups: the first were fed normally and the second with a diet high in fat and cholesterol.

When they provided the drug to both groups, they have noticed symptoms such as discoloration and hair loss, the second group was reversed.The explanation is precisely that the drug controlled the production of glycosphingolipids.

"The inhibition of glycosphingolipid synthesis represents an app unique therapeutic rock for the biology of human hair and skin ", say the researchers. have a medicine as such.

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