Banco de Chile adds to the announcements of its competitors: modernizing cards and ATMs


The announced measures respond to the call launched by the Superintendent of Banks

Banco de Chile joined the announcements of improving computer security. The Luksic and Citibank group has announced changes to their debit, credit and ATM cards.

According to the bank's report, "we are accelerating the replacement process and by the end of 2018 we will have 100% of our credit and debit cards adapted to the latest technology (chip and contactless) "

According to the data provided by the firm chaired by Pablo Granifo, to date" we have 92.3% of plastics with a credit chip and 62.6% of debit. "

With regard to ATMs, "we are progressing in the migration to the Windows 7 operating system".

It should be recalled that the financial institution was the first bank to comply with the standards of Decree 222, which was published in 2013 in relation to the criminal attacks suffered by the machines.

At a Senate Finance Committee session, the computerized backup of the company's automated teller machines was addressed. According to Héctor Moyano, Check Point's government account manager, the banking sector presents the main problems of cybersecurity.

He commented that "most of them (distributors), work with the system" Banks continued to pay their support to be able to obtain it, but we still see errors that are not not feasible unless the operating system is changed, "he added.

These" errors "raised by Moyano range from the installation of malware on keyboards machines to get from The use of the so-called "jackpotting." This latter method allows, through the installation of a virus in cash dispensers, to get money from 23 to 43 banknotes per second, "said Moyano.

According to the expert, these problems" are not feasible to solve unless the operating system is changed and that it is an important problem to be able to go forward. "

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