Banco de Chile creates a cybersecurity zone with an employment notice that has sparked controversy | Economy


Millionaire losses that left domestic piracy and a foreign computer attack, have put critics in the digital security of the Bank of Chile.

On May 24, the entity was the victim of theft of about $ 10 million that went to Hong Kong and on July 18, we revealed how a bank informant has stolen, since 2017, at least 475 million pesos using his PC

This led Banco de Chile to create a Cybersecurity Division currently in full training. In this context, a job notice, published in the social network Linked In, has sparked controversy in social networks, where bank users and figures related to the case have criticized the job requirements.

"Cybersecurity Engineer", is the name of the position that is sought after and "Civil, Industrial, Commercial, Accountant Auditor or Related" are the careers that validate the application. This apparent disagreement provoked comments such as those of the former secretary of telecommunications, Pedro Huichalaf.

It is good that @ bancodechile is recruiting professionals to increase their cybersecurity. But please, an industrial engineer, sales engineer or auditor listener does not think that's the best profile to look for ? CC @aluksicc @ N4Security pic.twitter .com / r1wsq7E5qQ

– Pedro Huichalaf Roa (@huichalaf) July 19, 2018

BioBioChile contacted the banking institution, where they badured that they would not deliver a version on the subject, but some related sources indicate that it is the process of selecting the staff responsible for creating the Cybersecurity Division.

What Banco de Chile says is consistent with other opinions published on the same platform, where more specific professional knowledge is needed in this area. This is the case of the positions of "Cybersecurity Incident Management Manager," "Cyber ​​Incident Management Manager" or a second "Cyber ​​Security Engineer", who share the common requirement of To have the professional title of "Computing Engineer, Industrial Civil, Electronics", in addition to asking for more experience related to the new department.

Selection Process

Cristián Parrao, Founder and Director of DigitalHunters, a company dedicated to researching and selecting digital talent, explained that there is valid confusion in this specific process, since the job's name does not really correspond to the specified functions and profile.

"At the time of reading the charge, one could understand that it is a trench charge against hackers, but the the detail corresponds to the management of the area, sounds more to the administration (. ..) the job is poorly managed from a communication point of view, which can be serious given the contingency of the Bank of Chile on this issue, in the case of a surveyed area ", he said.

"Now, to understand a complementary warning to others, which means trenching, that makes sense.What I can say as a headhunter, is that the description of the headhunting a position, especially in digital time, is of the utmost importance.You should no longer use inaccurate notices, the wording must be precise, starting with the name of the position, if it does not cost you to recruit, professionals who Do not happen to what the company is looking for and it will also have to choose .If someone happens to understand something else, it's hard to blame him, "says the selection expert [19659014] "In this case, the name of the office could be changed and much of the controversy would be repaired.The error is understood in the context of a new interdisciplinary innovation team, where the costs are generally not very clear, "he concluded.

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