Banco de Chile website still shows intermittences: users can not access | Economy


In the morning of this Friday, more precisely at 10:30 am, customers of Banco de Chile reported problems accessing the website of the company. agency both in its mobile version as an office.

Through the social network Twitter, users have ensured that whenever they try to perform a procedure, examine or transfer, the site reports them an error.

Some of them joined "screenshots" of the fault:

@bancodechile again with problems !!!!

– Francisco Garretón (@garretonfco) June 29, 2018

@ bancodechile Close the session while you are doing a transfer, handsome, and @AyudaBancoChile has not been running for more than a year.

– gonzalovalenzuela (@gvalenzuela) 29 June 2018

@bancodechile Other times with problems and branches tb.

– Rodrigo Santander (@ Rodrigo36647581) 29 June 2018

After 12:35, the bank confirmed this situation .

"Our Internet portals are intermittent in their operation, prefer our mobile applications," wrote in their social networks.

Dear customers, Our internet portals are intermittent in their operation. Prefer our mobile applications

– Banco de Chile (@bancodechile) June 29, 2018

Recent problems

During the months of May and June, the bank already had a series of intermittences on its digital platforms

Subsequently, it was confirmed that everything was rooted in a large-scale computer attack : US $ and became the first entity in the Chilean region by being practically "badaulted"

Currently, Hong Kong is investigating the money laundering related to this cyber attack.

Regarding the vulnerability that has affected the bank, its director, Eduardo Ebensperger, said on June 9 that this has changed the local view of how businesses should be protected. He indicated that it is the challenge of constantly refining certain processes

"(…) We must continue to move forward permanently, not only in investments, but also in security protocols ". = function () {
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