Banco Estado banned from following Santander's footsteps and leaving Transbank


  Arturo Tagle 16 3

Less than three weeks before Banco Santander was surprised to announce that it would stop working with the Transbank system, BancoEstado chairman Arturo Tagle was dismissed as well as the Spanish entity. He claimed that they wanted to keep their Compraquí and Transbank systems, "because they serve different segments," said the executive.

Regarding Santander's release of the Transbank system, the president of BancoEstado said he did not believe it would be a significant change. .


Although the details are not yet known, the Minister of Finance, Felipe Larraín, addressed the issue of the capitalization of BancoEstado and badured that it would be effective. a "joint effort" between the government and the entity. Thus, after the opening of BancoEstado's first bank branch in Lo Espejo, Larraín said that "there is no doubt that the new banking law sets more demanding capitalization requirements for banks but creates more powerful ones for the banks, the people. "" We have to make an effort to have more capital and that's what BancoEstado has to do, "said Larraín, adding that" the state will also cooperate ". In this regard, said that through the Ministry of Finance, "we will try to support them, and we must remember that this is done gradually, because you do not have to do it once to complete the most large capital required by Basel III ". "Consulted in the event that it would act from a capitalization by the conservation of profits plus a capital injection by the government." The minister replied that "we will have to think about a mixed mechanism in which it is also possible to consider the issuance of perpetual bonds. "

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