BancoEstado progresses in multiculturalism and launches the version of its web in Mapudungun and Creole


A few weeks ago, the site BancoEstado has landings (pages) in Creole language, to facilitate the procedures of the Haitian population; and in Mapudungún for the Mapuche people.

It is thus that the financial institution becomes the first institution on the Chilean market to realize this initiative.

This step is part of the Universal Attention program, which will allow thousands of people to "serve with equal service and integration," the agency said in a statement posted on its website.

Since its inception, the pages have already had more than 10,000 visits in its version in Creole and more than 11,000 in Mapudungun.

It should be noted that the agency had already announced in 2016 that its subsidiary "BancoEstado Contacto 24 Horas", as part of the development of a multicultural project, was going to answer calls at the center. Mapudungun appeal to the people of the Mapuche people who need it.

Some Precisions

To access these options, you must enter The flags of Haiti and Mapuche people will appear on the right side of the screen. The user, after opting for one of them, will be able to see information about CuentaRUT and Cambio de Clave in the selected language.

In connection with CuentaRUT – BancoEstado added – you will be able to find: product description, requirements On the other hand, the following information is available in Cambio de Clave: how to change the first pbadword, the codes of credit and debit cards, how to change the pbadword of the telephony. and / or Internet and how to merge the keys.

This initiative is available in both desktop and mobile versions.

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