Barista Express: The innovative service offered to coffee lovers – Shows and Culture


  Barista Express: The Innovative Service for Coffee Lovers

The Miele brand has launched this initiative for its customers to learn how to make the most of coffee machines. These are new preparations such as espresso mojito, martini espresso or cold drinks such as coconut milk and amaretto afogatto, among others. Tvn


It is no mystery to anyone that coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Its history in the West dates back to the late eighteenth century, when Dutch merchants took it from its original place, Africa, and since then it has become a drink not to be missed .

In Chile, the numbers indicate that turned into a key consumer country and increasingly premium. More than 70% of people need their daily cup of coffee during the morning and 35% say they get up to two.

In this context, the mark Miele presented an original initiative. for those who have the company's coffee machines and their own cereal line. This is the service Barista Express where an expert goes to his home to advise him on the correct use of the equipment, get incredible results and surprise the guests.

This exclusive service for Miele customers will allow them to obtain, in addition to the traditional latte and cappuccino, innovative preparations with drinks such as: espresso mojito, espresso martini or cold drinks such as latte à la noix coconut and amaretto afogatto, among others.


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