Beatriz Sánchez's "refresca memoria" to the stock market's president by the collapse of the stock markets


On Friday, the Santiago Stock Exchange closed its worst half-year in five years accumulating a 4.7% decline in the IPSA index, which groups together the 40 most relevant stocks.

This situation has thrown down the forecasts of several concerning an economic windfall if Sebastián Piñera was imposed in the presidential elections.

And one person who echoed this was the former presidential candidate of the Frente Amplio Beatriz Sánchez, who recalled the failed prediction of the president of the Stock Exchange

"How much did the president of the stock market not say that if Piñera did not win, the stock market would collapse? "

THAT RARE! Did not say the pate of the bag that if Piñera did not win the bag sank? via @emol

– beatriz sanchez (@labeasanchez) 29 June 2018

This, in reference to the statements made last October by Juan Andrés Camus, who expressed that "if Piñera was not elected, the likelihood that we will have a collapse in the stock price is high."

It must be remembered that Camus knows Sebastian Piñera for years He even contributed to his presidential campaign with 13 million 100 thousand pesos, the highest amount that a natural person can give to a candidate , according to Servel.

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