Beer declares war on climate change


The threat posed by climate change to nature reserves has just added another powerful enemy: the beer sector, determined to help the planet "survive the next century" Tony Milikin, Sustainability Manager at AB InBev

Milikin, who wants to make the world's largest brewer sustainable, offers brands such as Budweiser, Corona, Stella Artois or Leffe, apocalyptic after the participation. at the Internet Summit has just ended in Lisbon, where he arrived for the first time with security: or is involved in the protection of the world or will not be there before a century.

"Our product is made from natural elements. We use agriculture, water … all that is natural, so we must act for the environment, otherwise we will not be a sustainable business, we will not be there in 100 years ", badures Efe.

His arrival at the Lisbon meeting obe helps to find ways of continuing to produce beer by reducing more and more the impact on the environment and, possibly, helping even nature to regenerate itself.

If we solve our problems, we also help the planet, "said Milikin, who presents an idea as commendable as pressing for the Belgian giant AB InBev.

"Think about water We are working to improve the quality of the water supply we are in. One in four beer we make in the world comes from areas where water supply is limited, and we will be in other areas like this over the next ten years, water is the key, "he says.

Because many ingredients can be used to make beer, he continues, but "all formulas include water".

That is why he is presenting his 100 + Acelerator project in Lisbon to "identify and support innovators, who develop solutions to global sustainable development issues" focused on water, water and sanitation. agricultural productivity or the creation of more recyclable products. "

" We have the impression that we are extracting a lot of water and that we must be part of the solution. If we can recover some of that water and help start a business, that's a great opportunity, right? We are already talking to a few of them who can actually draw water in the air, "he declares enthusiastically.

The Future Says" That 's the way it goes. is already there, but it is not distributed. Things are happening all over the world and we do not know it. We do not want to miss this technology, we want to be part of it and we believe that we can bring together all the "starters" and present them to the world. Bring investors pbadionate about the environment. "

This objective is in addition to AB InBev's commitment, announced last March, to ensure that operates fully with renewable energies.

"At the end of Milikin believes that the challenge is to adapt to clean energy" much faster than any other company "in the sector.

considers that she will be able to achieve this goal and also advance solutions for the planet, building on what she identifies as the main quality of beer: "to unite people".

"Celebrations, birthdays, weddings … there is always beer, so I think we can unite the world around our sustainable development agenda and have a great influence on the planet," he said. declared.

The ultimate goal? "That your children and grandchildren have a better world in which to live and drink beer," concludes.

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