Before the Democrats advance, Trump dissociates himself from the result in the House.


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, today acknowledged that his priority in Tuesday's parliamentary elections was the Senate, with the aim of disengaging from the possible loss of Republican control exercised to the lower house by the Democratic opposition.

Two days before the elections, Trump and the former president Barack Obama returns on the path of the campaign. from their respective parties, the Republican and the Democrat, while hundreds of aspiring federal, state, and local officials pressed their efforts to get the Americans to vote.

"If the radical resistance (Democrats) comes to power, they will act immediately to eliminate all the advances we have made," warned Trump during the first of his two meetings of the day in Macon, Georgia, before to settle in Tennessee.

Obama, for his He presented Tuesday's elections as "the most important" of his life and stressed that "the United States is at a crossroads".

"There is a competition of ideas about who we are and who we are going to be in. The character of our nation is on the ballot," said Obama at a rally in Chicago, Illinois .

At the ballot, the 435 seats in the House of Representatives plus one-third of the 100 Senate seats will be renewed. thirty governorates and hundreds of national and local public offices.

Polls reveal favorable prospects for Democrats in the lower house, where they must win 23 seats to win the majority that Republicans hold since 2011.

Instead, the map is much less favorable for voters. progressives in the Senate, where they must defend more seats than Republicans, and especially in conservative states.

Trump focused his rallies on the states he won in 2016 and where there are battles. by the Senate or by the governorates, but has hardly campaigned for candidates for seats in the lower house, which is often disputed in the suburbs of democratic cities [1]. 9659018] Barack Obama and Stacey Abrams, who would win the elections in Georgia, would be the first black woman to be governor. FACEBOOK / stacey.abrams.77

Yesterday, two days after recognizing that Democrats could conquer the lower house, the president admitted that "the Senate was his priority".

"I can not campaign for all these members of Congress, many people in the lower house would be too many," said in statements to reporters in the White House. If Democrats take control of this chamber and Republicans retain dominance in the Senate, legislative elections – considering a referendum on the president – would produce a contradictory US verdict on the Trump administration. [19659011] The President, who this week hinted that the outgoing president of the lower house, the Republican, was Republican .] Paul Ryan did not do enough to holding the reins of the institution seemed to pave the way for throwing balls if his party was retired.Finally vanquished in this competition.

In Georgia, Trump resumes his speech al Armistice on immigration and the caravan of immigrants from Central America heading to the United States and emphasizes that he will not let them "invade" their country.

Trump also warned that the Democratic candidate for the post of governor of Georgia, Stacey Abrams would convert the state "to Venezuela", [19659009] to an attack that she repeatedly used against progressive aspirants in these elections.

Abrams is one of the most watched characters in this campaign because, if she wins Tuesday, she will become the first African-American woman to become governor of US history.

Polls They show that the battle is between Abrams and his rival, Republican Brian Kemp, who made headlines nationwide by announcing he was investigating the Democratic Party in the state for " possible cybercrime ". icos ".

Kemp, secretary of state of Georgia and head of elections in the region, accused Democrats of wanting to hack the voter registration system without providing evidence, what Abrams called "desperate accusation."

In Texas, the Democratic Senate candidate, Beto O. Rourke, closed his campaign in the hope of mobilizing enough voters to put the ballot boxes into wrong position, giving an advantage between 5 and 9 points. his rival, Republican Senator Ted Cruz.

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