Before the recent computer attacks: President Piñera signs a bill on cybersecurity | National


On Thursday, President Sebastián Piñera signed the bill on computer crimes in La Moneda; a much awaited project by banks and citizens before the cyber attacks perpetrated in Chile by strangers during this year.

Next to this project, there is another project currently in Congress called Data Protection. Personnel . According to Piñera, these two initiatives will strengthen the country's coordinating power against cyber attacks.

NOW – El Pdte @sebastianpinera together with the ministers @andreschadwickp of @min_interior and @HernanLarrainF of . MinjuDDHH signs the bill on computer offenses #LeyCiberseguridad .

– Presidency of the Chilean Press (@presidencia_cl) 19659006] "We are in a vulnerable situation," admitted the President, explaining that the modernization of the Chilean The state, which adopts new technologies, simultaneously offers more opportunities for external violation of government or banking systems.

It is imperative to update security levels according to technological progress.

"Cybercrime is a real and latent threat" said the president.

The project characterizes seven computer ica crimes with sentences ranging from 61 days to 5 years in prison, while providing fines of up to 40 UTM (nearly $ 2 million), says La Tercera.

Typical crimes include: computer disruption, illegal access (hacking), interception or interference, computer damage, computer forgery, computer fraud and misuse of devices.

Immediate Measures

At the same time, Piñera announced new presidential Cybersecurity Instructions for the State under which the government decided that each public service should designate a cybersecurity officer. of said institution; already in force.

It is essential to take action on cybersecurity for the protection of people. Today, the president @sebastianpinera signed the bill on computer offenses. Together for cyberspace insurance! 19 #LeyCiberseguridad

– Government of Chile (@GobiernodeChile) 25 October 2018

In addition, the application and implementation existing technical standard so that the technological systems remain protected.

Cybersecurity and / or evaluation risk cases should also be reported and sent to the new Coordination Center for Government Entities.

The announcement of this project is made as part of the national plan. cybersecurity, which seeks to update defense policies at the national level in this area.

The crisis of "hackers"

The project signed by the president has just followed the series of cases of banking data filtering that occurred a few months ago in the country.

At the time, there were at least two "groups" that published data via social networks such as bank accounts, RUTs, credit card details, among others, from different banks.

One of the groupings was known as "The Shadow Brokers" while another was "The Pirate Raft" .

The latter was discovered and its only implicated was arrested, which was left free and with national roots.

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