Bellolio and Jackson fought 4 hours on Twitter: "bottom of the pedestal of arrogance" was the sweetest


The deputies Giorgio Jackson (RD) and Jaime Bellolio (UDI) engaged in a stern discussion via Twitter following the statements published by the syndicalist on CNN Chile regarding regards the motion of censure that Chile operates We go against the table of the Chamber of Deputies for the letter sent to Sebastián Piñera, after he called "to work ".

According to the UDI, it is mainly because issued an opinion on behalf of all parliamentarians without consulting the others . "They sent a letter on behalf of the entire corporation that did not represent everyone," he said. " Finally, they would have called a vote, but nothing happened," he added. others since " there is a PS strategy to see who is more obstructionist, whether they or the FA" .

Prior to that Jackson placed him on the social network, arguing that "of course, because ] there can be no legitimate difference with the government, both in substance and in form According to @jbellolio we are only selfish people who want to obstruct the obstruction. "

Of course, because there can be no legitimate difference with the government, both on the bottom only on the form. According to @jbellolio we are just selfish people who want to obstruct the obstruction … ??♂️?♂️

– Giorgio Jackson (@ GiorgioJackson) 9 July 2018

Bellolio replied, "Of course, because you intend to establish the acceptable standard or not ." From the questionable or not Of what can be done or not, others believe in debate, argumentation, evidence, diversity of opinion . to stop disqualifying everyone who does not think the same way about you. "

Of course, you want to set the acceptable standard or not. From the questionable or not. What can we do or not?
Others, on the other hand, believe in debate, argumentation, proof, diversity of opinion. I suggest to stop disqualifying everyone who does not think the same to you

– Jaime Bellolio (@jbellolio) 9 July 2018

Jackson did not remain silent and claimed, later, that "I do not know if you read the tweet that I quoted. This is your statement that sets the standard for Obstruction (unacceptable) with respect to construction (acceptable) . Take charge of what you say, or do not say it at the beginning. "

I do not know if you have read the tweet that I quoted. This is your statement which establishes the level of obstruction (unacceptable) with respect to construction (acceptable). Take charge of what you say, or do not say it at first.

– Giorgio Jackson (@GiorgioJackson) 9 July 2018

"I think it's time for to go down two levels of the pedestal of the Arrogance and stop believing that everything revolves around you or that those of us who do not think like you are all wrong. I hope that you will occupy your leadership and your talent to serve the country, instead of just for yourself ", launched the unionist, unanswered.

I think it's time for you to lower both levels of the pedestal of arrogance, and stop believing that everything revolves around you or those who do not think like you all are wrong. I hope you will occupy your leadership and your talent to serve the country, instead of just for yourself

– Jaime Bellolio (@jbellolio) July 9 2018

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