Benito Baranda links the crisis of the church to the former nuncio Angelo Sodano


"Bishops must gain their legitimacy, they must demonstrate that they are at the service of the poorest," said Benito Baranda, president of the America Solidaria Foundation and former social director of Hogar de Cristo, in the program TVN's "El Informateur" about the crisis in the Chilean church.

Baranda, also former coordinator of Pope Francisco's visit to the country, criticized the work of the bishops, and especially with the nominations made by Cardinal Angelo Sodano as nuncio to Chile

"After the arrival in Chile of Angelo Sodano, the nominations of bishops began to change, he was 10 years old as nuncio in Chile, 15 years as secretary of state (Vatican) and of course, this strongly affected the 39, Chilean episcopate, "said Baranda, adding that" there is an appointed bishopric throughout this period which I believe should disappear. "

Among other issues, the torture suffered by two Ecuadorians inside the prison, and in this regard, he stated that "when people justify that others are mistreated, beaten, tortured, however you open a very dangerous door. " [19659002 “En fin de compte, vous justifiez que face aux circonstances sociales la vengeance vient de la communauté”, a-t-il dit, ajoutant que “avec cela, ce qui est fait est de donner la priorité à la loi de la jungle”. , e, v, n, t, s)
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