BHP Union fights against the company: "He forgot his workers, the community and the country"


The union severely criticized the meeting held by BHP with the Regional Mayor and the main actors of the Antofagasta economy

Without further agreements, the negotiations held by the Union of Workers No. 1 of Minera Escondida took place.

This was stated by its directors at a press conference, which informed that there is an agreement in 18 points, however, "all other points of discussion of both parties were identified and ordered, giving a partial discussion until the moment, but without concrete advances, before the decision of the Company not to make proposals at this stage of the conversations, but wait for the review of all these points. "

From the Union they regretted this decision of the company, because they believe that a valid opportunity to approach positions and to build agreements is wasted. "We hope that after the general review, we can move forward on concrete proposals that are the basis of an agreement," they said.

Meanwhile, about the 1945-19006 meeting between the president of Minera Escondida, Mauro Neves and Intendant of the Antofagasta region plus right-wing parliamentarians, industry badociations and various representatives of the community the Union had harsh words. "We want the company to start at home, she has people who work in the first place in the world ranking of production as the most profitable company in the world, but she has to d & # 39; 39 first focus on the fundamental problems that we are and therefore, "said Patricio Tapia, president of the Union.

In turn, the spokesman Carlos Allendes, said that" we believe that It is time for BHP to change its policies, which have left the commitment with its workers, which has also been transferred to other external areas that flow from the operations of its Minera to Antofagasta, such as its relations with the community and with its suppliers.We are in the presence of a company that has forgotten its workers, the community and the country. "

It should be noted that there are still two weeks of intense negotiations, where finally Minera Escondida give has a definitive answer to legitimate requests Sindicato and his badociates. According to the results of these, the managers will define the course to follow, where the legal figure of the strike is not excluded, for which the badociates are voting to approve an extraordinary quota to raise funds in case where they of this scenario.

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