Bishop Duarte denies accusations of sexual abuse and concealment against him | National


Gonzalo Duarte, now emeritus bishop of Valparaíso, categorically denied all accusations against him by the ex-seminarians of Valparaíso who came to court and even to the Vatican to denounce clerics for acts of badual connotation and allegations of concealment

Duarte made his statements in an interview with the channel Quintavisión, where he referred to his resignation and denied the allegations of badual abuse and concealment against him.

Questioned about the accusations of Mauricio Pulgar Duarte denied any accusation, even stating that he does not keep any memories of Pulgar.

Consultado concerning the case of Sebastián del Río, who sent a letter to the Vatican denouncing and denouncing the acts of badual connotation, Duarte The circumstances in which the application of to apply a gel on his back as accused of the river,

Gonzalo Duarte, manifested that at that moment he was with lumbago, so in the middle of an interview that he had asked the Rio, he asked him to please apply Calorub in the affected area . He currently considers that asking for an error, because of the badual connotation that del Río gave to this petition. [19659005] Duarte acknowledged that the priest who took Pulgar to the parish, who was also accused of 39 badual abuse, was punished at 20 years without being able to practice. However, this was not due to allegations of badual abuse.

"The priest who took Pulgar Lazo to seminary and from which he left the parish once he left the seminary, because he did not return home, [19459004IpersonallysenthimtotheEcclesiasticalCourtandsentencedto20years'imprisonment and I took him to a house in Molina, in a retirement home (…). This same priest, who was sentenced to 20 years of suspension for homobaduality, unfortunately died in a car accident, "said Pulgar.

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