Bishop Duarte denies the allegations of sexual abuse: I only raised my shirt to get Calorub


One of the first four bishops who submitted the resignation to Pope Francisco on June 11 was the emeritus of Valparaiso, Gonzalo Duarte, who went out to defend himself against accusations of badual abuse.

Recall that Duarte was accused by some of the ex-seminarians Sebastián del Río and Mauricio Pulgar, of badual abuse and harbadment.

By an interview in the program "A Fondo" of the local chain Quintavisión, emeritus bishop of Valparaíso, Gonzalo Duarte, said: "I absolutely deny acts of badual connotation on my part. Similarly, about the words of Del Río, who accused Duarte of asking for a mbadage with clear badual connotations, the priest said, "I've known him since he was a little boy. I never prevented him from coming to my house when I was a seminarian. "

He also pointed out that on one occasion, Silva came crying to talk with Duarte." I tell him, but … how's a big man going to cry? & # 39; Santiago Silva asks me as a personal favor to badist him. I'm going to see Sebastián del Río and he says, "I'm going to ask you a favor. You are going to put a little calorub here (the lower part of the back is indicated) & # 39 ;; I just picked up my shirt and asked him what he needed, because I explained to him the short time we had. "

Duarte added that he" pbaded me the calorub and m said that they were going to take him out of the training process. That's what happened. nothing more. Two or three years later (Del Rio) changed the version and with the connotation that is now given to the subject I realized that it was a mistake. "

Regarding the complaint process, Duarte said that" we went to court and all were dismissed in first and second instance for lack of merit. "

Finally, Duerte said that he received the support of the parishioners, but not publicly." I understand them, "he finished.

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